Comic Book "Martin le NINJA" - le livre de toilette 01
ISBN 978-2-9812277-0-6 (Martin le Ninja)
ISBN 978-2-9812277-1-3 (Le livre de toilette 01)
Nombre of pages: 32 B&W + color covers
Language: French
Country/Province: Canada, Quebec
Texts et Drawings: David Therrien
Price: 5$ CAN + shipping e-ninja-le-livre-de-toilette-david-the rrien-p-53652.html
and on Ebay
<img src=" ges/bannieres/banniere-v-53652.jpeg" border="0" alt="Le livre Martin le NINJA: Le livre de toilette"><img src=" ts_banniere.php?action=affichage&id=53 652" width="0" height="0">
Go ask Almightyhans if you can post previews on his website. He's got that whole indi-comic publishing thing going on.
Ok thanks a lot :)